Best Wishes for a Happy New Year!

Looking back on 2017…
After our launch in September of 2016, this past year we focused on cultivating a rich and diverse community of Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning Enthusiasts interested in sharing their growth and learning with you!

We were so happy to bring you applied AI and social impact workshops and events which lower the barriers to entry in engineering artificial intelligence while fostering inclusion:
Demystifying Artificial Intelligence Symposiums
Hosted Quarterly in the Bay Area
Averaging 150–200 attendees per event, we have successfully “Demystified AI” for over 1,500 attendees!
Met our target demographics in the US, with attendees averaging 70% non-caucasian and 50% non-male identifying
Provided scholarships and 80% discounts from market rate entry price to over 500 underrepresented individuals
Hosted 2 symposiums abroad with our partners in Oslo, Nordic Impact, and Noroff Education
Partnered with Women Who Code, Techtonica, dev/Mission, PyLadies, Google Launchpad, Nordic Impact, Noroff Education, Katapult Accelerator, and SINTEF
Sponsors included Kapor Center for Social Impact, Devlabs, East Bay Community Foundation,, Google, Mozilla
Check out this awesome video compilation by our community partner TecnoLatinx
See past speaker presentations on Youtube

Startup Weekend AI | AR | VR
Sponsored and helped organize this Techstars community event
Partnered with Kapor Center for Social Impact
Maxed out the conference space with 150 attendees
See videos of the final pitches on Youtube.
Check out photos for all the fun we had!

AI & Genomics Hackathon
Partnered with SVAI and the NF2 Project
Sponsors included Google Launchpad, Google Cloud, Google Genomics, NVIDIA, Recursion Pharmaceuticals, NCBI, genlife, and
Maxed out the conference space at 160 attendees
Had 6 final teams compete for the top prizes, three Titan X Pascal boards valued at ~$1,500 a piece, compliments of NVIDIA
Check out the team’s research projects on GitHub
Watch the final presentations on Youtube

Hosted free weekly Deep Learning Book Study Sessions
Watch the live recordings on Youtube
Hosted free impromptu AI Research Discussion Sessions
Launched our preliminary Applied AI Technical Workshop
Hosted our preliminary AI Web series
Launched our preliminary Mindset Training for AI Engineers & AI Ethical and Social Impact Discussions

Presented for the Global AI Mind series for and GirlsinTech Taiwan
Watch the promo video on Youtube
Successfully registered as a 501c3 Non-Profit Organization

Get involved with Accel AI in 2018!
Join our global community online:
Facebook Group —
Facebook Page —
Slack —
Meetup —
Twitter —
Instagram —
Medium Publication —
Youtube —
Github —
Linkedin —
Share your time and expertise:
Apply to speak at our events
Volunteer with us
Donate to our Non-Profit so that we may continue offering low cost and free entry to workshops, events, and discussions:
Become a Sponsoring Partner
Contribute to our Open Collective
All donations are tax-deductible now that we are officially registered as a 501c3 Non-profit! Contact us for a receipt for your contribution.